HTAN Clinical Data

HTAN clinical data consists of three tiers.

Tier 1 is based on the NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC) clinical data model, while Tiers 2 and 3 are extensions to the GDC model.

1Seven categories of clinical data, based on the GDC clinical data model. See GDC Table below.
2HTAN disease-agnostic extensions to the GDC clinical data model.
3HTAN disease-specific extensions to the GDC clinical data model.

Tier 1 Clinical Data

Tier 1 clinical data consists of seven categories of data from the GDC Data Model.

DemographicsData for the characterization of the patient by means of segmenting the population (e.g., characterization by age, sex, or race).
DiagnosisData from the investigation, analysis and recognition of the presence and nature of disease, condition, or injury from expressed signs and symptoms; also, the scientific determination of any kind; the concise results of such an investigation.
ExposureClinically relevant patient information not immediately resulting from genetic predispositions.
Family HistoryRecord of a patient's background regarding cancer events of blood relatives.
Follow-upA visit by a patient or study participant to a medical professional. A clinical encounter that encompasses planned and unplanned trial interventions, procedures and assessments that may be performed on a subject. A visit has a start and an end, each described with a rule. The process by which information about the health status of an individual is obtained before and after a study has officially closed; an activity that continues something that has already begun or that repeats something that has already been done.
Molecular TestInformation pertaining to any molecular tests performed on the patient during a clinical event.
TherapyRecord of the administration and intention of therapeutic agents provided to a patient to alter the course of a pathologic process.

Tiers 2 and 3 Clinical Data

Tier 2 consists of disease-agnostic extensions to the GDC clinical data model.

Tier 3 consists of disease-specific extensions to the GDC clinical data model. This covers additional elements for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Melanoma, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Sarcoma.


WARNING: Manifests provided on this page are for reference only. DO NOT USE THESE MANIFESTS FOR DATA SUBMISSION.


The interactive tables below are provided to help users understand the HTAN Data Model. The tables allow a user to view, search or download attributes either:

  1. in a specific manifest; or
  2. in all manifests represented on this page.

To view a specific manifest, click on the link in the Manifests tab. The manifest will appear in a new tab on the page. Navigate to the new tab to search for attributes or download the manifest.
To search for attributes among all manifests, navigate to the All Attributes tab and use the search box provided at the top of the tab. All attributes can also be downloaded as a csv file.

Demographic attributes
Disease diagnosis
Exposure to carcinogens
Family cancer history
Follow up clinical visits
Clinical molecular test data
Clinical therapy or treatment
Tier 2 Cancer Data
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Breast cancer specific attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Colorectal cancer specific attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Lung cancer specific attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Melanoma specific attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Ovarian cancer specific attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Pancreatic cancer specific attributes in Clinical Tier Data 3
Prostate cancer specific attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Sarcoma specific attributes in Clinical Data Tier 3
Manifest Name
Conditional If
Data Type
Valid Values
HTAN Participant ID
- Demographics
- Diagnosis
- Exposure
- Family History
- Follow Up
- Molecular Test
- Therapy
- Clinical Data Tier 2
- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Tier 3
- Breast Cancer Tier 3
- Colorectal Cancer Tier 3
- Lung Cancer Tier 3
- Melanoma Tier 3
- Ovarian Cancer Tier 3
- Pancreatic Cancer Tier 3
- Prostate Cancer Tier 3
- Sarcoma Tier 3
HTAN ID associated with a patient based on HTAN ID SOP (eg HTANx_yyy )
- Demographics
An individual's self-described social and cultural grouping, specifically whether an individual describes themselves as Hispanic or Latino. The provided values are based on the categories defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Business and used by the U.S. Census Bureau.
- hispanic or latino
- not hispanic or latino
- unknown
- not reported
- not allowed to collect
- Demographics
Text designations that identify gender. Gender is described as the assemblage of properties that distinguish people on the basis of their societal roles. [Identification of gender is based upon self-report and may come from a form, questionnaire, interview, etc.]
- female
- male
- unknown
- unspecified
- not reported
- Demographics
An arbitrary classification of a taxonomic group that is a division of a species. It usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation withina a species and is characterized by shared heredity, physical attributes and behavior, and in the case of humans, by common history, nationality, or geographic distribution.
- white
- american indian or alaska native
- black or african american
- asian
- native hawaiian or other pacific islander
- other
- unknown
- not reported
- not allowed to collect
Vital Status
- Demographics
The survival state of the person registered on the protocol.
- alive
- dead
- unknown
- not reported
Days to Birth
- Demographics
Number of days between the date used for index and the date from a person's date of birth represented as a calculated negative number of days. If not applicable please enter 'Not Applicable'
Country of Residence
- Demographics
Country of Residence at enrollment
- afghanistan
- albania
- algeria
- andorra
- angola
- anguilla
- antigua and barbuda
- argentina
- armenia
- aruba
- australia
- austria
- azerbaijan
- bahamas
- bahrain
- bangladesh
- barbados
- belarus
- belgium
- belize
- benin
- bermuda
- bhutan
- bolivia
- bosnia and herzegovina
- botswana
- brazil
- brunei
- bulgaria
- burkina faso
- burundi
- cambodia
- cameroon
- canada
- cape verde
- cayman islands
- central african republic
- chad
- chile
- china
- colombia
- comoros
- congo
- cook islands
- costa rica
- cote d'ivoire
- croatia
- cuba
- curacao
- cyprus
- czech republic (czechia)
- democratic republic of the congo
- denmark
- djibouti
- dominica
- dominican republic
- ecuador
- egypt
- el salvador
- equatorial guinea
- eritrea
- estonia
- eswatini
- ethiopia
- falkland islands (malvinas)
- faroe islands
- federated states of micronesia
- fiji
- finland
- france
- french guiana
- french polynesia
- gabon
- gambia
- georgia
- germany
- ghana
- gibraltar
- greece
- greenland
- grenada
- guadeloupe
- guam
- guatemala
- guernsey
- guinea
- guinea-bissau
- guyana
- haiti
- holy see
- honduras
- hong kong
- hungary
- iceland
- india
- indonesia
- iran
- iraq
- ireland
- isle of man
- israel
- italy
- jamaica
- japan
- jersey
- jordan
- kazakhstan
- kenya
- kiribati
- kosovo
- kuwait
- kyrgyzstan
- laos
- latvia
- lebanon
- lesotho
- liberia
- libya
- liechtenstein
- lithuania
- luxembourg
- macau
- madagascar
- malawi
- malaysia
- maldives
- mali
- malta
- marshall islands
- martinique
- mauritania
- mauritius
- mayotte
- mexico
- moldova
- monaco
- mongolia
- montenegro
- montserrat
- morocco
- mozambique
- myanmar
- namibia
- nauru
- nepal
- netherlands
- new caledonia
- new zealand
- nicaragua
- niger
- nigeria
- niue
- north korea
- north macedonia
- northern mariana islands
- norway
- oman
- pakistan
- palau
- panama
- papua new guinea
- paraguay
- peru
- philippines
- poland
- portugal
- puerto rico
- qatar
- reunion
- romania
- russia
- rwanda
- saint helena ascension and tristan da cunha
- saint kitts and nevis
- saint lucia
- saint pierre and miquelon
- saint vincent and the grenadines
- samoa
- san marino
- sao tome and principe
- saudi arabia
- senegal
- serbia
- seychelles
- sierra leone
- singapore
- slovakia
- slovenia
- solomon islands
- somalia
- south africa
- south korea
- south sudan
- spain
- sri lanka
- state of palestine
- sudan
- suriname
- svalbard & jan mayen islands
- sweden
- switzerland
- syria
- taiwan
- tajikistan
- tanzania
- thailand
- timor-leste
- togo
- tokelau
- tonga
- trinidad and tobago
- tunisia
- turkey
- turkmenistan
- tuvalu
- uganda
- ukraine
- united arab emirates
- united kingdom
- united states
- uruguay
- uzbekistan
- vanuatu
- venezuela
- vietnam
- virgin islands british
- virgin islands u.s.
- wallis and futuna
- western sahara
- yemen
- zambia
- zimbabwe
Age Is Obfuscated
- Demographics
The age of the patient has been modified for compliance reasons. The actual age differs from what is reported. Other date intervals for this patient may also be modified.
- true
- false
Year Of Birth
- Demographics
Numeric value to represent the calendar year in which an individual was born.
Occupation Duration Years
- Demographics
The number of years a patient worked in a specific occupation.
Premature At Birth
- Demographics
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether the patient was premature (less than 37 weeks gestation) at birth.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Weeks Gestation at Birth
- Demographics
Numeric value used to describe the number of weeks starting from the approximate date of the biological mother's last menstrual period and ending with the birth of the patient.
- Demographics
This indicates the participant is dead and defines further required metadata
Year of Death
- Demographics
Numeric value to represent the year of the death of an individual.
- Vital Status is "Dead"
Cause of Death
- Demographics
The cause of death
- Vital Status is "Dead"
- cancer related
- cardiovascular disorder nos
- end-stage renal disease
- infection
- not cancer related
- renal disorder nos
- spinal muscular atrophy
- surgical complications
- toxicity
- not reported
- unknown
- not applicable
Cause of Death Source
- Demographics
The text term used to describe the source used to determine the patient's cause of death.
- Vital Status is "Dead"
- autopsy
- death certificate
- medical record
- social security death index
- obituary
- unknown
- not reported
Days to Death
- Demographics
Number of days between the date used for index and the date from a person's date of death represented as a calculated number of days. If not applicable please enter 'Not Applicable'
- Vital Status is "Dead"
Age at Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
Age at the time of diagnosis expressed in number of days since birth.
Year of Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
Numeric value to represent the year of an individual's initial pathologic diagnosis of cancer.
Primary Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
Text term used to describe the patient's histologic diagnosis, as described by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O).
- acinar cell carcinoma
- acute basophilic leukaemia
- acute leukemia burkitt type
- acute leukemia nos
- acute lymphatic leukemia
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma nos
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia mature b-cell type
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia nos
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia precursor cell type
- acute lymphocytic leukemia
- acute lymphoid leukemia
- acute myeloid leukemia minimal differentiation
- acute myeloid leukemia mll
- acute myeloid leukemia nos
- acute myelomonocytic leukemia
- acute promyelocytic leukemia nos
- adenocarcinoid tumor
- adenocarcinoma combined with other types of carcinoma
- adenocarcinoma in a polyp nos
- adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyp
- adenocarcinoma in polypoid adenoma
- adenocarcinoma in situ in a polyp nos
- adenocarcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyp
- adenocarcinoma in situ in tubular adenoma
- adenocarcinoma in situ mucinous
- adenocarcinoma in situ non-mucinous
- adenocarcinoma in situ nos
- adenocarcinoma in tubular adenoma
- adenocarcinoma in villous adenoma
- adenocarcinoma of anal ducts
- adenocarcinoma of anal glands
- adenocarcinoma diffuse type
- adenocarcinoma endocervical type
- adenocarcinoma intestinal type
- adenocarcinoma metastatic nos
- adenocarcinoma nos
- adenocarcinoma pancreatobiliary type
- adult rhabdomyoma
- adult t-cell lymphoma
- adult t-cell lymphoma/leukemia
- astrocytoma anaplastic
- astrocytoma low grade
- astrocytoma nos
- b cell lymphoma nos
- b lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma with hyperdiploidy
- b lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma with hypodiploidy (hypodiploid all)
- b lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma nos
- b-all
- b-cell lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma
- basal cell adenocarcinoma
- basal cell adenoma
- basal cell carcinoma nos
- basal cell epithelioma
- basal cell tumor
- basophil adenocarcinoma
- basophil adenoma
- basophil carcinoma
- bile duct adenocarcinoma
- bile duct adenoma
- bile duct carcinoma
- bile duct cystadenocarcinoma
- bile duct cystadenoma
- bronchial adenoma carcinoid
- bronchial adenoma cylindroid
- bronchial adenoma nos
- bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
- bronchio-alveolar carcinoma mixed mucinous and non-mucinous
- bronchio-alveolar carcinoma mucinous
- bronchiolar adenocarcinoma
- bronchiolar carcinoma
- bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma nos
- bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma clara cell
- bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma clara cell and goblet cell type
- bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma goblet cell type
- bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma indeterminate type
- bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma non-mucinous
- bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma nos
- burkitt cell leukemia
- burkitt lymphoma nos (includes all variants)
- burkitt tumor
- burkitt-like lymphoma
- c-all
- cancer
- capillary hemangioma
- capillary lymphangioma
- carcinoma in a polyp nos
- carcinoma in adenomatous polyp
- carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma
- carcinoma in situ in a polyp nos
- carcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyp
- carcinoma in situ nos
- carcinoma anaplastic nos
- carcinoma diffuse type
- carcinoma intestinal type
- carcinoma metastatic nos
- carcinoma nos
- carcinosarcoma nos
- carcinoma undifferentiated nos
- cementoma nos
- central neuroblastoma
- central neurocytoma
- cerebellar liponeurocytoma
- cerebellar sarcoma nos
- cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade iii
- cervical intraepithelial neoplasia low grade
- chondroma nos
- chondrosarcoma grade 2/3
- chronic granulocytic leukemia bcr/abl
- chronic granulocytic leukemia nos
- chronic granulocytic leukemia philadelphia chromosome (ph1) positive
- chronic leukemia nos
- chronic lymphatic leukemia
- chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- chronic lymphocytic leukemia b-cell type (includes all variants of bcll)
- chronic lymphoid leukemia
- chronic monocytic leukemia
- chronic myelocytic leukemia nos
- chronic myelogenous leukemia bcr-abl positive
- chronic myelogenous leukemia philadelphia chromosome (ph 1) positive
- chronic myeloid leukemia nos
- chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in transformation
- chronic myelomonocytic leukemia nos
- chronic myelomonocytic leukemia type 1
- chronic myelomonocytic leukemia type ii
- chronic myeloproliferative disease nos
- chronic myeloproliferative disorder
- chronic neutrophilic leukemia
- classical hodgkin lymphoma lymphocyte depletion diffuse fibrosis
- classical hodgkin lymphoma lymphocyte depletion nos
- classical hodgkin lymphoma lymphocyte depletion reticular
- classical hodgkin lymphoma lymphocyte-rich
- classical hodgkin lymphoma mixed cellularity nos
- classical hodgkin lymphoma nodular sclerosis cellular phase
- classical hodgkin lymphoma nodular sclerosis grade 1
- classical hodgkin lymphoma nodular sclerosis grade 2
- classical hodgkin lymphoma nodular sclerosis nos
- combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma
- combined large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
- combined small cell carcinoma
- combined small cell-adenocarcinoma
- combined small cell-large carcinoma
- combined small cell-squamous cell carcinoma
- combined/mixed carcinoid and adenocarcinoma
- composite hodgkin and non-hodgkin lymphoma
- dermal nevus
- dermatofibroma nos
- diffuse astrocytoma idh-mutant
- diffuse astrocytoma idh-wildtype
- diffuse astrocytoma low grade
- diffuse large b-cell lymphoma nos
- diffuse melanocytosis
- duct adenocarcinoma nos
- duct adenoma nos
- duct carcinoma desmoplastic type
- duct carcinoma nos
- duct cell carcinoma
- ductal carcinoma in situ nos
- ductal carcinoma nos
- dysplastic nevus
- endometrial sarcoma nos
- endometrioid adenocarcinoma nos
- endometrioid adenofibroma nos
- endometrioid adenoma nos
- endometrioid carcinoma nos
- eosinophil adenocarcinoma
- eosinophil adenoma
- eosinophil carcinoma
- eosinophilic granuloma
- eosinophilic leukemia
- ependymoma nos
- epidermoid carcinoma in situ nos
- epidermoid carcinoma nos
- epithelial tumor benign
- epithelial tumor malignant
- esophageal glandular dysplasia (intraepithelial neoplasia) high grade
- esophageal glandular dysplasia (intraepithelial neoplasia) low grade
- esophageal intraepithelial neoplasia high grade
- esophageal squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (dysplasia) high grade
- esophageal squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (dysplasia) low grade
- ewing sarcoma
- ganglioglioma nos
- familial adenomatous polyposis
- gastrin cell tumor
- gastrin cell tumor malignant
- gastrinoma malignant
- gastrinoma nos
- gastrointestinal stromal tumor malignant
- glioblastoma
- glioma malignant
- glioma nos
- haemangioblastoma
- haemangiosarcoma
- hepatocarcinoma
- hepatocellular adenoma
- hepatocellular carcinoma nos
- hepatocholangiocarcinoma
- hepatoid adenocarcinoma
- hepatoid carcinoma
- hodgkin disease nos
- hodgkin granuloma
- hodgkin lymphoma mixed cellularity nos
- hodgkin lymphoma nodular sclerosis nos
- hodgkin lymphoma nos
- hodgkin paragranuloma nos
- hodgkin sarcoma
- infiltrating basal cell carcinoma nos
- infiltrating duct carcinoma nos
- infiltrating duct and colloid carcinoma
- infiltrating duct and cribriform carcinoma
- inflammatory adenocarcinoma
- inflammatory carcinoma
- interstitial cell tumor benign
- interstitial cell tumor malignant
- interstitial cell tumor nos
- intracystic papilloma
- intradermal nevus
- intraductal adenocarcinoma noninfiltrating nos
- intraductal and lobular carcinoma
- intraductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma in situ
- intraductal carcinoma clinging
- intraductal carcinoma noninfiltrating nos
- intraductal carcinoma nos
- intraductal carcinoma solid type
- intraductal micropapillary carcinoma
- intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma with invasion
- intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma nos
- intraductal papillary carcinoma
- intraductal tubular-papillary neoplasm high grade
- intraductal tubular-papillary neoplasm low grade
- intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm
- intraepidermal carcinoma nos
- intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma bowen type
- intravascular b-cell lymphoma
- juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
- kaposi sarcoma
- large cell carcinoma nos
- liposarcoma differentiated
- liposarcoma nos
- liposarcoma well differentiated
- liver cell adenoma
- liver cell carcinoma
- lobular adenocarcinoma
- lobular and ductal carcinoma
- lobular carcinoma in situ nos
- lobular carcinoma noninfiltrating
- lobular carcinoma nos
- lymphatic leukemic nos
- lymphoblastic leukemia nos
- lymphoblastoma
- lymphocytic leukemia nos
- lymphoma nos
- malignancy
- malignant lymphoma diffuse nos
- malignant lymphoma hodgkin
- malignant lymphoma immunoblastic nos
- malignant lymphoma large b-cell diffuse nos
- malignant lymphoma large b-cell nos
- malignant lymphoma large cell nos
- malignant lymphoma lymphoblastic nos
- malignant lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse nos
- malignant lymphoma lymphocytic nodular nos
- malignant lymphoma lymphocytic nos
- malignant lymphoma mixed cell type diffuse
- malignant lymphoma mixed cell type follicular
- malignant lymphoma mixed cell type nodular
- malignant lymphoma nodular nos
- malignant lymphoma non-hodgkin nos
- malignant lymphoma nos
- malignant lymphoma small b lymphocytic nos
- malignant melanoma in congenital melanocytic nevus
- malignant melanoma in giant pigmented nevus
- malignant melanoma in hutchinson melanotic freckle
- malignant melanoma in junctional nevus
- malignant melanoma in precancerous melanosis
- malignant melanoma nos
- malignant melanoma regressing
- mammary carcinoma in situ
- medullary adenocarcinoma
- medullary carcinoma nos
- medullary osteosarcoma
- medulloblastoma nos
- melanoameloblastoma
- melanocytic nevus
- melanocytoma eyeball
- melanocytoma nos
- melanoma in situ
- melanoma malignant of soft parts
- melanoma nos
- melanotic medulloblastoma
- melanotic mpnst
- melanotic neuroectodermal tumor
- melanotic neurofibroma
- melanotic progonoma
- melanotic psammomatous mpnst
- melanotic schwannoma
- meningeal melanocytoma
- meningeal melanoma
- meningioma anaplastic
- meningioma malignant
- meningioma nos
- micropapillary carcinoma nos
- mixed adenocarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma
- mixed adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma
- mixed medullary-follicular carcinoma
- mixed medullary-papillary carcinoma
- mixed pancreatic endocrine and exocrine tumor malignant
- mixed pineal tumor
- mixed small cell carcinoma
- mixed squamous cell and glandular papilloma
- mixed tumor malignant nos
- mixed tumor nos
- monocytic leukemia nos
- mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
- mucous adenocarcinoma
- multiple myeloma
- myelocytic leukemia nos
- myeloid leukemia nos
- myeloma nos
- myoepithelioma
- neoplasm benign
- neoplasm malignant
- neoplasm malignant uncertain whether primary or metastatic
- neoplasm metastatic
- neoplasm nos
- neoplasm secondary
- neoplasm uncertain whether benign or malignant
- nephroblastoma nos
- neuroblastoma nos
- neuroendocrine carcinoma nos
- neuroepithelioma nos
- neurofibroma nos
- neurofibromatosis nos
- neurofibrosarcoma
- neurosarcoma
- nevus nos
- non-hodgkin lymphoma nos
- non-invasive low grade serous carcinoma
- non-lymphocytic leukemia nos
- non-small cell carcinoma
- nonpigmented nevus
- not reported
- oat cell carcinoma
- osteoblastoma malignant
- osteoblastoma nos
- osteosarcoma nos
- paget disease and infiltrating duct carcinoma of breast
- paget disease and intraductal carcinoma of breast
- paget disease of breast
- paget disease extramammary
- paget disease mammary
- pagetoid reticulosis
- pancreatic endocrine tumor benign
- pancreatic endocrine tumor malignant
- pancreatic endocrine tumor nonfunctioning
- pancreatic endocrine tumor nos
- pancreatic microadenoma
- pancreatobiliary neoplasm non-invasive
- pancreatobiliary-type carcinoma
- pancreatoblastoma
- papillary adenocarcinoma follicular variant
- papillary adenocarcinoma nos
- papillary adenofibroma
- papillary adenoma nos
- papillary and follicular carcinoma
- papillary carcinoma in situ
- papillary carcinoma nos
- papillary cystadenoma nos
- papillary epidermoid carcinoma
- papillary glioneuronal tumor
- papillary meningioma
- papillary microcarcinoma
- papillary renal cell carcinoma
- papillary serous adenocarcinoma
- papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma
- papillary serous cystadenoma nos
- papillary squamous cell carcinoma
- papillary squamous cell carcinoma in situ
- papillary transitional cell carcinoma
- papillary tumor of the pineal region
- papillary urothelial carcinoma
- papilloma of bladder
- papilloma nos
- papillomatosis glandular
- papillomatosis nos
- papillotubular adenocarcinoma
- papillotubular adenoma
- paraganglioma benign
- paraganglioma malignant
- paraganglioma nos
- peripheral t-cell lymphoma large cell
- peripheral t-cell lymphoma nos
- pigmented adenoma
- pigmented basal cell carcinoma
- pigmented nevus nos
- pituitary adenoma nos
- pituitary carcinoma nos
- pleomorphic adenoma
- pleomorphic carcinoma
- pleomorphic lipoma
- pleomorphic liposarcoma
- pleomorphic lobular carcinoma
- pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ
- precancerous melanosis nos
- precursor b-cell lymphoblastic leukemia
- precursor b-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
- precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia nos
- precursor t-cell lymphoblastic leukemia
- precursor t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
- preleukemia
- preleukemic syndrome
- primary amyloidosis
- pro-b all
- pro-t all
- prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia grade iii
- pulmonary adenomatosis
- pulmonary artery intimal sarcoma
- pulmonary blastoma
- renal carcinoma collecting duct type
- renal cell adenocarcinoma
- renal cell carcinoma chromophobe type
- renal cell carcinoma nos
- renal cell carcinoma sarcomatoid
- renal cell carcinoma spindle cell
- renal cell carcinoma unclassified
- renal medullary carcinoma
- rhabdoid meningioma
- rhabdoid sarcoma
- rhabdoid tumor nos
- rhabdomyoma nos
- rhabdomyosarcoma with ganglionic differentiation
- rhabdomyosarcoma nos
- rhabdosarcoma
- rodent ulcer
- sarcoma nos
- sclerosing hemangioma
- sclerosing hepatic carcinoma
- secondary carcinoma
- secretory carcinoma of breast
- serous cystadenocarcinoma nos
- serous surface papillary carcinoma
- high-grade serous carcinoma
- skin appendage carcinoma
- small cell carcinoma nos
- small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
- small cell osteosarcoma
- small cell sarcoma
- small congenital nevus
- spindle cell carcinoma nos
- spindle cell melanoma nos
- splenic b-cell lymphoma/leukemia unclassifiable
- splenic diffuse red pulp small b-cell lymphoma
- splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes
- splenic marginal zone b-cell lymphoma
- splenic marginal zone lymphoma nos
- squamous cell carcinoma in situ nos
- squamous cell carcinoma adenoid
- squamous cell carcinoma clear cell type
- squamous cell carcinoma nos
- t lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
- t-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia
- t-cell large granular lymphocytosis
- t-cell lymphoma nos
- teratoma malignant nos
- teratoma nos
- therapy related myeloid neoplasm
- transitional carcinoma
- transitional cell carcinoma
- transitional cell carcinoma in situ
- tubular adenocarcinoma
- tubular adenoma nos
- tubular androblastoma with lipid storage
- tubular androblastoma nos
- tubular carcinoid
- tubular carcinoma
- tubulo-papillary adenoma
- tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma
- tubulolobular carcinoma
- tubulopapillary adenocarcinoma
- tubulovillous adenoma nos
- tumor cells benign
- tumor cells malignant
- tumor cells nos
- tumor cells uncertain whether benign or malignant
- tumor embolus
- tumor benign
- tumor malignant nos
- tumor metastatic
- tumor nos
- tumor secondary
- tumorlet benign
- typical carcinoid
- unclassified tumor benign
- unclassified tumor borderline malignancy
- unclassified tumor malignant
- unclassified tumor malignant uncertain whether primary or metastatic
- unclassified tumor uncertain whether benign or malignant
- undifferentiated epithelioid sarcoma
- undifferentiated high-grade pleomorphic sarcoma
- undifferentiated leukaemia
- undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
- undifferentiated round cell sarcoma
- undifferentiated sarcoma
- undifferentiated spindle cell sarcoma
- undifferentiated uterine sarcoma
- unknown
Precancerous Condition Type
- Diagnosis
The classification of pre-cancerous cells found in a specific collection of data being studied by the Consortium for Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Screen-Detected Lesions (MCL).
- ductal carcinoma in situ
- pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm
- atypical adenomatous lung hyperplasia
- other
- pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia
- prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
- melanocytic hyperplasia
- atypical melanocytic proliferation
- melanoma in situ
- superficial spreading
- lentigo maligna type
- acral-lentiginous
- melanoma in situ arising in a giant congenital nevus
- persistent melanoma in situ
- melanoma in situ not otherwise classified
- scar - no residual melanoma
- invasive melanoma - superficial spreading
- invasive melanoma - nodular type
- invasive melanoma - lentigo maligna
- invasive melanoma - acral lentiginous
- invasive melanoma - desmoplastic
- invasive melanoma - nevoid
- invasive melanoma
- normal wda
- reserve cell hyperplasia
- squamous metaplasia - mature
- squamous metaplasia - immature
- mild dysplasia
- moderate dysplasia
- severe dysplasia
- atypical adenomatous hyperplasia
- adenocarcinoma in situ - non mucinous
- adenocarcinoma in situ - mucinous
- benign tumor nos
- hamartoma
- carcinoma nos
- normal
- squamous carcinoma in situ
- neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia
- no diagnosis possible
- not applicable
Site of Resection or Biopsy
- Diagnosis
The text term used to describe the anatomic site of the resection or biopsy of the patient's malignant disease, as described by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O).
- Biospecimen is "Urine"'
- 'Biospecimen is "Bone"'
- 'Biospecimen is "Tissue"
- abdomen nos
- abdominal esophagus
- accessory sinus nos
- acoustic nerve
- adrenal gland nos
- ampulla of vater
- anal canal
- anterior 2/3 of tongue nos
- anterior floor of mouth
- anterior mediastinum
- anterior surface of epiglottis
- anterior wall of bladder
- anterior wall of nasopharynx
- anus nos
- aortic body and other paraganglia
- appendix
- ascending colon
- autonomic nervous system nos
- axillary tail of breast
- base of tongue nos
- bladder neck
- bladder nos
- blood
- body of pancreas
- body of penis
- body of stomach
- bone marrow
- bone of limb nos
- bone nos
- bones of skull and face and associated joints
- border of tongue
- brain stem
- brain nos
- branchial cleft
- breast nos
- broad ligament
- cardia nos
- carotid body
- cauda equina
- cecum
- central portion of breast
- cerebellum nos
- cerebral meninges
- cerebrum
- cervical esophagus
- cervix uteri
- choroid
- ciliary body
- cloacogenic zone
- colon nos
- commissure of lip
- conjunctiva
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of abdomen
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of head face and neck
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of lower limb and hip
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of pelvis
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of thorax
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of trunk nos
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of upper limb and shoulder
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues nos
- cornea nos
- corpus uteri
- cortex of adrenal gland
- cranial nerve nos
- craniopharyngeal duct
- descended testis
- descending colon
- dome of bladder
- dorsal surface of tongue nos
- duodenum
- endocervix
- endocrine gland nos
- endometrium
- epididymis
- esophagus nos
- ethmoid sinus
- exocervix
- external ear
- external lip nos
- external lower lip
- external upper lip
- extrahepatic bile duct
- eye nos
- eyelid
- fallopian tube
- female genital tract nos
- floor of mouth nos
- frontal lobe
- frontal sinus
- fundus of stomach
- fundus uteri
- gallbladder
- gastric antrum
- gastrointestinal tract nos
- glans penis
- glottis
- greater curvature of stomach nos
- gum nos
- hard palate
- head of pancreas
- head face or neck nos
- heart
- hematopoietic system nos
- hepatic flexure of colon
- hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold
- hypopharynx nos
- ileum
- ill-defined sites within respiratory system
- intestinal tract nos
- intra-abdominal lymph nodes
- intrahepatic bile duct
- intrathoracic lymph nodes
- islets of langerhans
- isthmus uteri
- jejunum
- kidney nos
- labium majus
- labium minus
- lacrimal gland
- laryngeal cartilage
- larynx nos
- lateral floor of mouth
- lateral wall of bladder
- lateral wall of nasopharynx
- lateral wall of oropharynx
- lesser curvature of stomach nos
- lingual tonsil
- lip nos
- liver
- long bones of lower limb and associated joints
- long bones of upper limb scapula and associated joints
- lower gum
- lower limb nos
- lower lobe lung
- lower third of esophagus
- lower-inner quadrant of breast
- lower-outer quadrant of breast
- lung nos
- lymph node nos
- lymph nodes of axilla or arm
- lymph nodes of head face and neck
- lymph nodes of inguinal region or leg
- lymph nodes of multiple regions
- main bronchus
- major salivary gland nos
- male genital organs nos
- mandible
- maxillary sinus
- meckel diverticulum
- mediastinum nos
- medulla of adrenal gland
- meninges nos
- middle ear
- middle lobe lung
- middle third of esophagus
- mouth nos
- mucosa of lip nos
- mucosa of lower lip
- mucosa of upper lip
- myometrium
- nasal cavity
- nasopharynx nos
- nervous system nos
- nipple
- occipital lobe
- olfactory nerve
- optic nerve
- orbit nos
- oropharynx nos
- other ill-defined sites
- other specified parts of female genital organs
- other specified parts of male genital organs
- other specified parts of pancreas
- ovary
- overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses
- overlapping lesion of bladder
- overlapping lesion of bones joints and articular cartilage
- overlapping lesion of bones joints and articular cartilage of limbs
- overlapping lesion of brain
- overlapping lesion of brain and central nervous system
- overlapping lesion of breast
- overlapping lesion of cervix uteri
- overlapping lesion of colon
- overlapping lesion of connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues
- overlapping lesion of corpus uteri
- overlapping lesion of digestive system
- overlapping lesion of endocrine glands and related structures
- overlapping lesion of esophagus
- overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa
- overlapping lesion of female genital organs
- overlapping lesion of floor of mouth
- overlapping lesion of heart mediastinum and pleura
- overlapping lesion of hypopharynx
- overlapping lesion of ill-defined sites
- overlapping lesion of larynx
- overlapping lesion of lip
- overlapping lesion of lip oral cavity and pharynx
- overlapping lesion of lung
- overlapping lesion of major salivary glands
- overlapping lesion of male genital organs
- overlapping lesion of nasopharynx
- overlapping lesion of other and unspecified parts of mouth
- overlapping lesion of palate
- overlapping lesion of pancreas
- overlapping lesion of penis
- overlapping lesion of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
- overlapping lesion of rectum anus and anal canal
- overlapping lesion of respiratory system and intrathoracic organs
- overlapping lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
- overlapping lesion of skin
- overlapping lesion of small intestine
- overlapping lesion of stomach
- overlapping lesion of tongue
- overlapping lesion of tonsil
- overlapping lesion of urinary organs
- overlapping lesion of vulva
- overlapping lesions of oropharynx
- palate nos
- pancreas nos
- pancreatic duct
- parametrium
- paraspinal
- parathyroid gland
- paraurethral gland
- parietal lobe
- parotid gland
- pelvic bones sacrum coccyx and associated joints
- pelvic lymph nodes
- pelvis nos
- penis nos
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of abdomen
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of head face and neck
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of lower limb and hip
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of pelvis
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of thorax
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of trunk nos
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of upper limb and shoulder
- peritoneum nos
- pharynx nos
- pineal gland
- pituitary gland
- placenta
- pleura nos
- postcricoid region
- posterior mediastinum
- posterior wall of bladder
- posterior wall of hypopharynx
- posterior wall of nasopharynx
- posterior wall of oropharynx
- prepuce
- prostate gland
- pylorus
- pyriform sinus
- rectosigmoid junction
- rectum nos
- renal pelvis
- reticuloendothelial system nos
- retina
- retromolar area
- retroperitoneum
- rib sternum clavicle and associated joints
- round ligament
- scrotum nos
- short bones of lower limb and associated joints
- short bones of upper limb and associated joints
- sigmoid colon
- skin of lip nos
- skin of lower limb and hip
- skin of other and unspecified parts of face
- skin of scalp and neck
- skin of trunk
- skin of upper limb and shoulder
- skin nos
- small intestine nos
- soft palate nos
- specified parts of peritoneum
- spermatic cord
- sphenoid sinus
- spinal cord
- spinal meninges
- spleen
- splenic flexure of colon
- stomach nos
- subglottis
- sublingual gland
- submandibular gland
- superior wall of nasopharynx
- supraglottis
- tail of pancreas
- temporal lobe
- testis nos
- thoracic esophagus
- thorax nos
- thymus
- thyroid gland
- tongue nos
- tonsil nos
- tonsillar fossa
- tonsillar pillar
- trachea
- transverse colon
- trigone of bladder
- undescended testis
- unknown primary site
- upper gum
- upper limb nos
- upper lobe lung
- upper respiratory tract nos
- upper third of esophagus
- upper-inner quadrant of breast
- upper-outer quadrant of breast
- urachus
- ureter
- ureteric orifice
- urethra
- urinary system nos
- uterine adnexa
- uterus nos
- uvula
- vagina nos
- vallecula
- ventral surface of tongue nos
- ventricle nos
- vertebral column
- vestibule of mouth
- vulva nos
- waldeyer ring
- biliary tract nos
- cheek mucosa
- clitoris
- overlapping lesion of biliary tract
- unknown
- not reported
Tissue or Organ of Origin
- Diagnosis
The text term used to describe the anatomic site of origin, of the patient's malignant disease, as described by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O).
- abdomen nos
- abdominal esophagus
- accessory sinus nos
- acoustic nerve
- adrenal gland nos
- ampulla of vater
- anal canal
- anterior 2/3 of tongue nos
- anterior floor of mouth
- anterior mediastinum
- anterior surface of epiglottis
- anterior wall of bladder
- anterior wall of nasopharynx
- anus nos
- aortic body and other paraganglia
- appendix
- ascending colon
- autonomic nervous system nos
- axillary tail of breast
- base of tongue nos
- bladder neck
- bladder nos
- blood
- body of pancreas
- body of penis
- body of stomach
- bone marrow
- bone of limb nos
- bone nos
- bones of skull and face and associated joints
- border of tongue
- brain stem
- brain nos
- branchial cleft
- breast nos
- broad ligament
- cardia nos
- carotid body
- cauda equina
- cecum
- central portion of breast
- cerebellum nos
- cerebral meninges
- cerebrum
- cervical esophagus
- cervix uteri
- choroid
- ciliary body
- cloacogenic zone
- colon nos
- commissure of lip
- conjunctiva
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of abdomen
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of head face and neck
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of lower limb and hip
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of pelvis
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of thorax
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of trunk nos
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues of upper limb and shoulder
- connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues nos
- cornea nos
- corpus uteri
- cortex of adrenal gland
- cranial nerve nos
- craniopharyngeal duct
- descended testis
- descending colon
- dome of bladder
- dorsal surface of tongue nos
- duodenum
- endocervix
- endocrine gland nos
- endometrium
- epididymis
- esophagus nos
- ethmoid sinus
- exocervix
- external ear
- external lip nos
- external lower lip
- external upper lip
- extrahepatic bile duct
- eye nos
- eyelid
- fallopian tube
- female genital tract nos
- floor of mouth nos
- frontal lobe
- frontal sinus
- fundus of stomach
- fundus uteri
- gallbladder
- gastric antrum
- gastrointestinal tract nos
- glans penis
- glottis
- greater curvature of stomach nos
- gum nos
- hard palate
- head of pancreas
- head face or neck nos
- heart
- hematopoietic system nos
- hepatic flexure of colon
- hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold
- hypopharynx nos
- ileum
- ill-defined sites within respiratory system
- intestinal tract nos
- intra-abdominal lymph nodes
- intrahepatic bile duct
- intrathoracic lymph nodes
- islets of langerhans
- isthmus uteri
- jejunum
- kidney nos
- labium majus
- labium minus
- lacrimal gland
- laryngeal cartilage
- larynx nos
- lateral floor of mouth
- lateral wall of bladder
- lateral wall of nasopharynx
- lateral wall of oropharynx
- lesser curvature of stomach nos
- lingual tonsil
- lip nos
- liver
- long bones of lower limb and associated joints
- long bones of upper limb scapula and associated joints
- lower gum
- lower limb nos
- lower lobe lung
- lower third of esophagus
- lower-inner quadrant of breast
- lower-outer quadrant of breast
- lung nos
- lymph node nos
- lymph nodes of axilla or arm
- lymph nodes of head face and neck
- lymph nodes of inguinal region or leg
- lymph nodes of multiple regions
- main bronchus
- major salivary gland nos
- male genital organs nos
- mandible
- maxillary sinus
- meckel diverticulum
- mediastinum nos
- medulla of adrenal gland
- meninges nos
- middle ear
- middle lobe lung
- middle third of esophagus
- mouth nos
- mucosa of lip nos
- mucosa of lower lip
- mucosa of upper lip
- myometrium
- nasal cavity
- nasopharynx nos
- nervous system nos
- nipple
- occipital lobe
- olfactory nerve
- optic nerve
- orbit nos
- oropharynx nos
- other ill-defined sites
- other specified parts of female genital organs
- other specified parts of male genital organs
- other specified parts of pancreas
- ovary
- overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses
- overlapping lesion of bladder
- overlapping lesion of bones joints and articular cartilage
- overlapping lesion of bones joints and articular cartilage of limbs
- overlapping lesion of brain
- overlapping lesion of brain and central nervous system
- overlapping lesion of breast
- overlapping lesion of cervix uteri
- overlapping lesion of colon
- overlapping lesion of connective subcutaneous and other soft tissues
- overlapping lesion of corpus uteri
- overlapping lesion of digestive system
- overlapping lesion of endocrine glands and related structures
- overlapping lesion of esophagus
- overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa
- overlapping lesion of female genital organs
- overlapping lesion of floor of mouth
- overlapping lesion of heart mediastinum and pleura
- overlapping lesion of hypopharynx
- overlapping lesion of ill-defined sites
- overlapping lesion of larynx
- overlapping lesion of lip
- overlapping lesion of lip oral cavity and pharynx
- overlapping lesion of lung
- overlapping lesion of major salivary glands
- overlapping lesion of male genital organs
- overlapping lesion of nasopharynx
- overlapping lesion of other and unspecified parts of mouth
- overlapping lesion of palate
- overlapping lesion of pancreas
- overlapping lesion of penis
- overlapping lesion of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
- overlapping lesion of rectum anus and anal canal
- overlapping lesion of respiratory system and intrathoracic organs
- overlapping lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
- overlapping lesion of skin
- overlapping lesion of small intestine
- overlapping lesion of stomach
- overlapping lesion of tongue
- overlapping lesion of tonsil
- overlapping lesion of urinary organs
- overlapping lesion of vulva
- overlapping lesions of oropharynx
- palate nos
- pancreas nos
- pancreatic duct
- parametrium
- paraspinal
- parathyroid gland
- paraurethral gland
- parietal lobe
- parotid gland
- pelvic bones sacrum coccyx and associated joints
- pelvic lymph nodes
- pelvis nos
- penis nos
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of abdomen
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of head face and neck
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of lower limb and hip
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of pelvis
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of thorax
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of trunk nos
- peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of upper limb and shoulder
- peritoneum nos
- pharynx nos
- pineal gland
- pituitary gland
- placenta
- pleura nos
- postcricoid region
- posterior mediastinum
- posterior wall of bladder
- posterior wall of hypopharynx
- posterior wall of nasopharynx
- posterior wall of oropharynx
- prepuce
- prostate gland
- pylorus
- pyriform sinus
- rectosigmoid junction
- rectum nos
- renal pelvis
- reticuloendothelial system nos
- retina
- retromolar area
- retroperitoneum
- rib sternum clavicle and associated joints
- round ligament
- scrotum nos
- short bones of lower limb and associated joints
- short bones of upper limb and associated joints
- sigmoid colon
- skin of lip nos
- skin of lower limb and hip
- skin of other and unspecified parts of face
- skin of scalp and neck
- skin of trunk
- skin of upper limb and shoulder
- skin nos
- small intestine nos
- soft palate nos
- specified parts of peritoneum
- spermatic cord
- sphenoid sinus
- spinal cord
- spinal meninges
- spleen
- splenic flexure of colon
- stomach nos
- subglottis
- sublingual gland
- submandibular gland
- superior wall of nasopharynx
- supraglottis
- tail of pancreas
- temporal lobe
- testis nos
- thoracic esophagus
- thorax nos
- thymus
- thyroid gland
- tongue nos
- tonsil nos
- tonsillar fossa
- tonsillar pillar
- trachea
- transverse colon
- trigone of bladder
- undescended testis
- unknown primary site
- upper gum
- upper limb nos
- upper lobe lung
- upper respiratory tract nos
- upper third of esophagus
- upper-inner quadrant of breast
- upper-outer quadrant of breast
- urachus
- ureter
- ureteric orifice
- urethra
- urinary system nos
- uterine adnexa
- uterus nos
- uvula
- vagina nos
- vallecula
- ventral surface of tongue nos
- ventricle nos
- vertebral column
- vestibule of mouth
- vulva nos
- waldeyer ring
- biliary tract nos
- cheek mucosa
- clitoris
- overlapping lesion of biliary tract
- unknown
- not reported
- Diagnosis
The third edition of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, published in 2000 used principally in tumor and cancer registries for coding the site (topography) and the histology (morphology) of neoplasms. The study of the structure of the cells and their arrangement to constitute tissues and, finally, the association among these to form organs. In pathology, the microscopic process of identifying normal and abnormal morphologic characteristics in tissues, by employing various cytochemical and immunocytochemical stains. A system of numbered categories for representation of data.
Tumor Grade
- Diagnosis
Numeric value to express the degree of abnormality of cancer cells, a measure of differentiation and aggressiveness.
- g1
- g2
- g3
- g4
- gx
- gb
- high grade
- intermediate grade
- low grade
- unknown
- not reported
- not applicable
Progression or Recurrence
- Diagnosis
- Follow Up
Yes/No/unknown indicator to identify whether a patient has had a new tumor event after initial treatment.
- yes - progression or recurrence
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Last Known Disease Status
- Diagnosis
Text term that describes the last known state or condition of an individual's neoplasm.
- distant met recurrence/progression
- loco-regional recurrence/progression
- biochemical evidence of disease without structural correlate
- tumor free
- unknown tumor status
- with tumor
- not reported
- not allowed to collect
- not applicable
Days to Last Follow up
- Diagnosis
Time interval from the date of last follow up to the date of initial pathologic diagnosis, represented as a calculated number of days. If not applicable please enter 'Not Applicable'
Days to Last Known Disease Status
- Diagnosis
Time interval from the date of last follow up to the date of initial pathologic diagnosis, represented as a calculated number of days. If not applicable please enter 'Not Applicable'
Method of Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
Text term used to describe the method used to confirm the patients malignant diagnosis.
- autopsy
- biopsy
- blood draw
- bone marrow aspirate
- core biopsy
- cytology
- cystoscopy
- debulking
- diagnostic imaging
- dilation and curettage procedure
- enucleation
- excisional biopsy
- fine needle aspiration
- incisional biopsy
- laparoscopy
- laparotomy
- other
- pap smear
- physical exam
- pathologic review
- surgical resection
- thoracentesis
- ultrasound guided biopsy
- unknown
- not reported
Prior Malignancy
- Diagnosis
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe the patient's history of prior cancer diagnosis.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
- not allowed to collect
Prior Treatment
- Diagnosis
A yes/no/unknown/not applicable indicator related to the administration of therapeutic agents received before the body specimen was collected.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
- not allowed to collect
Metastasis at Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
The text term used to describe the extent of metastatic disease present at diagnosis.
- distant metastasis
- metastasis nos
- no metastasis
- regional metastasis
- unknown
- not reported
Metastasis at Diagnosis Site
- Diagnosis
Text term to identify an anatomic site in which metastatic disease involvement is found.
- abdomen
- adrenal gland
- ascites
- bone
- bone marrow
- brain
- cerebrospinal fluid
- central nervous system
- colon
- distant nodes
- distant organ
- groin
- kidney
- liver
- lung
- lymph node
- axillary
- inguinal
- lymph node nos
- mediastinum
- omentum
- ovary
- pelvis
- peritoneal cavity
- peritoneum
- pleura
- scalp
- skin
- small intestine
- soft tissue
- spinal cord
- unknown
- not reported
First Symptom Prior to Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
Text term used to describe the patient's first symptom experienced prior to diagnosis and thought to be related to the disease.
- altered mental status
- headaches
- motor or movement changes
- seizures
- sensory changes
- visual changes
- unknown
- not reported
Days to Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
Number of days between the date used for index and the date the patient was diagnosed with the malignant disease. If not applicable please enter 'Not Applicable'
Percent Tumor Invasion
- Diagnosis
The percentage of tumor cells spread locally in a malignant neoplasm through infiltration or destruction of adjacent tissue.
Residual Disease
- Diagnosis
- Therapy
Text terms to describe the status of a tissue margin following surgical resection.
- r0
- r1
- r2
- rx
- unknown
- not reported
Synchronous Malignancy
- Diagnosis
A yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether the patient had an additional malignant diagnosis at the same time the tumor used for sequencing was diagnosed. If both tumors were sequenced, both tumors would have synchronous malignancies.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Tumor Confined to Organ of Origin
- Diagnosis
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether the tumor is confined to the organ where it originated and did not spread to a proximal or distant location within the body.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Tumor Focality
- Diagnosis
The text term used to describe whether the patient's disease originated in a single location or multiple locations.
- multifocal
- unifocal
- unknown
- not reported
Tumor Largest Dimension Diameter
- Diagnosis
Numeric value used to describe the maximum diameter or dimension of the primary tumor, measured in centimeters.
Gross Tumor Weight
- Diagnosis
Numeric value used to describe the gross pathologic tumor weight, measured in grams.
Breslow Thickness
- Diagnosis
The number that describes the distance, in millimeters, between the upper layer of the epidermis and the deepest point of tumor penetration.
Vascular Invasion Present
- Diagnosis
The yes/no indicator to ask if large vessel or venous invasion was detected by surgery or presence in a tumor specimen.
- yes - vascular invasion present
- no
- unknown
- not reported
- not allowed to collect
Vascular Invasion Type
- Diagnosis
Text term that represents the type of vascular tumor invasion.
- extramural
- intramural
- macro
- micro
- no vascular invasion
- unknown
- not reported
Anaplasia Present
- Diagnosis
Yes/no/unknown/Not Reported indicator used to describe whether anaplasia was present at the time of diagnosis.
- yes - anaplasia present
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Anaplasia Present Type
- Diagnosis
The text term used to describe the morphologic findings indicating the presence of a malignant cellular infiltrate characterized by the presence of large pleomorphic cells, necrosis, and high mitotic activity in a tissue sample.
- absent
- diffuse
- equivocal
- focal
- present
- sclerosis
- unknown
- not reported
- Diagnosis
For tumors in paired organs, designates the side on which the cancer originates.
- bilateral
- left
- midline
- right
- unilateral
- unknown
- not reported
Perineural Invasion Present
- Diagnosis
A yes/no indicator to ask if perineural invasion or infiltration of tumor or cancer is present.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Conditional If
Data Type
Valid Values
HTAN Participant ID
HTAN ID associated with a patient based on HTAN ID SOP (eg HTANx_yyy )
Start Days from Index
Number of days from the date of birth (index date) to the date of an event (e.g. exposure to environmental factor, treatment start, etc.). If not applicable please enter 'Not Applicable'
Smoking Exposure
Indicate if individual has smoking exposure
- yes - smoking exposure
- no - smoking exposure
- not reported
Alcohol Exposure
Indicate if individual has alcohol exposure
- yes - alcohol exposure
- no - alcohol exposure
- not reported
Asbestos Exposure
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether the patient was exposed to asbestos.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Coal Dust Exposure
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether a patient was exposed to fine powder derived by the crushing of coal.
- yes
- no
- unknown
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether a patient was exposed to smoke that is emitted from burning tobacco, including cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. This includes tobacco smoke exhaled by smokers.
- yes
- no
- unknown
Radon Exposure
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether the patient was exposed to radon.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Respirable Crystalline Silica Exposure
The yes/no/unknown indicator used to describe whether a patient was exposured to respirable crystalline silica, a widespread, naturally occurring, crystalline metal oxide that consists of different forms including quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, tripoli, ganister, chert and novaculite.
- yes
- no
- unknown
COVID19 Occurrence Indicator
The indicator that describes whether or not a COVID-19 infectious disorder occurred.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not applicable
- not done
COVID19 Current Status
The patient's current COVID-19 status of sign or symptom events or interventions
- patient currently has symptoms
- patient had symptoms but now is fully recovered
- patient never had any symptoms of covid-19
- status unknown due to general covid-19 related travel restrictions
- status unknown due to lack of disease/tumor assessment due to covid-19 diagnosis
- status unknown due to other reasons
COVID19 Positive Lab Test Indicator
The indicator that describes whether or not there was a COVID-19 positive test result.
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not applicable
- not done
COVID19 Antibody Testing
Text term that demonstrates the test results of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in subject serum samples.
- sars-cov-2 igm antibody positive
- sars-cov-2 igg antibody positive
- sars-cov-2 igg/igm antibody positive
- sars-cov-2 igm antibody negative
- sars-cov-2 igg antibody negative
- sars-cov-2 igg/igm antibody negative
- unknown
- not applicable
- not done
COVID19 Complications Severity
Text term that retrospectively indicates the worst complications during COVID-19 infectious disorder in the patient.
- cardiac complications
- pulmonary complications
- systemic complications
- other
- not applicable
- unknown
COVID19 Cancer Treatment Followup
Indicator that describes if cancer treatment was modified for the patient due to COVID-19 infectious disorder
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not applicable
Ecig vape use
Use of non-traditional cigarette nicotine delivery device (electronic cigarette, ENDS - electronic nicotine delivery system)
- current
- former
- never
- unknown
Ecig vape 30 day use num
Number of days e-cigarettes or vaping device was used in the last 30 days
Ecig vape times per day
e-cig frequency of use (times per day—one “time” consists of around 15 puffs or lasts around 10 minutes)
Type of smoke exposure cumulative years
The number of cumulative years of the patient's specific type of smoke exposure
Chewing tobacco daily use count
The quantity of daily use of tobacco, in the form of a plug, usually flavored, for chewing rather than smoking.
Second hand smoke exposure years
The number of cumulative years of the patient's exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke
Pack Years Smoked
Numeric computed value to represent lifetime tobacco exposure defined as number of cigarettes smoked per day x number of years smoked divided by 20.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
Years Smoked
Numeric value (or unknown) to represent the number of years a person has been smoking.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
Yes - Smoking Exposure
Individual has been exposed to smoke; requires additional metadata
Cigarettes per Day
The average number of cigarettes smoked per day.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
Smoking Frequency
The text term used to generally decribe how often the patient smokes.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
- every day
- some days
- unknown
Type of Smoke Exposure
The text term used to describe the patient's specific type of smoke exposure.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
- accidental building fire smoke
- accidental grass fire smoke
- accidental fire smoke nos
- accidental forest fire smoke
- accidental vehicle fire smoke
- aircraft smoke
- burning tree smoke
- coal smoke nos
- cooking related smoke nos
- electronic cigarette smoke nos
- electrical fire smoke
- environmental tobacco smoke
- factory smokestack smoke
- field burning smoke
- fire smoke nos
- furnace or boiler smoke
- gas burning smoke propane
- grease fire smoke
- grilling smoke
- hashish smoke
- indoor coal burning stove or fireplace smoke
- indoor stove or fireplace smoke nos
- indoor wood burning stove or fireplace smoke
- machine smoke
- marijuana smoke
- no smoke exposure
- oil burning smoke kerosene
- oil burning smoke nos
- recreational fire smoke
- smoke exposure nos
- smokehouse smoke
- tobacco smoke cigar
- tobacco smoke cigarettes
- tobacco smoke pipe
- unknown
- volcanic smoke
- waste burning smoke
- wood burning smoke factory
- wood burning smoke nos
- workrelated smoke artificial smoke machines
- workrelated smoke fire fighting
- workrelated smoke foundry
- workrelated smoke generators
- workrelated smoke military
- workrelated smoke nos
- workrelated smoke paint baking
- workrelated smoke plastics factory
- workrelated smoke plumbing
- workrelated smoke soldering/welding
Time between Waking and First Smoke
The text term used to describe the approximate amount of time elapsed between the time the patient wakes up in the morning to the time they smoke their first cigarette.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
- within 5 minutes
- 6-30 minutes
- 31-60 minutes
- after 60 minutes
- unknown
Tobacco Smoking Onset Year
The year in which the participant began smoking.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
Tobacco Smoking Quit Year
The year in which the participant quit smoking.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
Tobacco Smoking Status
Category describing current smoking status and smoking history as self-reported by a patient
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
- lifelong non-smoker
- current smoker
- current reformed smoker for > 15 yrs
- current reformed smoker for < or = 15 yrs
- current reformed smoker
- duration not specified
- smoking history not documented
- unknown
- not reported
Type of Tobacco Used
The text term used to describe the specific type of tobacco used by the patient.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
- cigarettes
- cigar
- electronic cigarette
- other
- pipe
- smokeless tobacco
- marijuana
- unknown
- not reported
Secondhand Smoke as Child
The text term used to indicate whether the patient was exposed to secondhand smoke as a child.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Smoke Exposure Duration
Text term used to describe the length of time the patient was exposed to an environmental factor.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
- six weeks or more
- unknown
- not reported
Tobacco Use per Day
Numeric value that represents the number of times the patient uses tobacco each day.
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
Smokeless Tobacco Quit Age
Smokeless tobacco quit age
- Smoking Exposure is "Yes - Smoking Exposure"
Yes - Alcohol Exposure
Individual has been exposed to alcohol
Alcohol Days Per Week
Numeric value used to describe the average number of days each week that a person consumes an alcoholic beverage.
- Alcohol Exposure is "Yes - Alcohol Exposure"
Alcohol Drinks Per Day
Numeric value used to describe the average number of alcoholic beverages a person consumes per day.
- Alcohol Exposure is "Yes - Alcohol Exposure"
Alcohol History
A response to a question that asks whether the participant has consumed at least 12 drinks of any kind of alcoholic beverage in their lifetime.
- Alcohol Exposure is "Yes - Alcohol Exposure"
- yes
- no
- unknown
- not reported
Alcohol Intensity
Category to describe the patient's current level of alcohol use as self-reported by the patient.
- Alcohol Exposure is "Yes - Alcohol Exposure"
- drinker
- heavy drinker
- lifelong non-drinker
- non-drinker
- occasional drinker
- unknown
- not reported
Alcohol Type
Type of alcohol use
- Alcohol Exposure is "Yes - Alcohol Exposure"
- beer
- liquor
- other
- wine
- unknown
- not reported
Marijuana smoke
Marijuana smoke exposure
Marijuana Use Per Week
Numeric value that represents the number of times the patient uses marijuana each day.
- Type is "Marijuana smoke"