HTAN Data Standards


All HTAN Centers are required to encode their data and metadata in the common HTAN Data Model. The HTAN Data Model was created via a community Request for Comment (RFC) process, with participation from all HTAN Centers, and covers clinical data, biospecimen data, genomic sequencing data and multiplex imaging data.

As much as possible, the HTAN Data Model leverages previously defined data standards across the scientific research community, including the NCI Genomic Data Commons, the Human Cell Atlas, the Human Biomolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) and the Minimum Information about Tissue Imaging (MITI) reporting guidelines.

HTAN uses bioschemas to define the data model. Bioschema extends, a community effort used by many search engines that provides a way to define information with properties. Bioschemas define profiles over types that state which properties must be used (minimum), should be used (recommended), and could be used (optional). HTAN and other consortiums, including the Human Cell Atlas and HuBMAP are working together to provide common shared schemas.

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